SCHD: If You have Received The Sport, Take A Little Off The Prime

Excited friends gambling at roulette table in casino

Jon Feingersh Images Inc/DigitalVision through Getty Photos

Time for a shave

It has come the time to rely one’s blessings. Those that have purchased and held shares of plenty of demolished blue chip shares for the reason that fortuitous bottoms in

As-Of-Date Image Amount P.c of Property Title
4/19/24 (LMT) 4947896 4.25492543 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP
4/19/24 (CVX) 14046660 4.17318239 CHEVRON CORP
4/19/24 (PEP) 12811281 4.16124178 PEPSICO INC
4/19/24 (TXN) 13124803 4.05025675 TEXAS INSTRUMENT INC
4/19/24 (CSCO) 44524919 4.03886351 CISCO SYSTEMS INC
4/19/24 (VZ) 53363289 4.03768488 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC
4/19/24 (KO) 35428282 3.93513643 COCA-COLA
4/19/24 (UPS) 14481070 3.89732854 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC CLASS B
4/19/24 (BMY) 42024111 3.82706956 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB
4/19/24 (AMGN) 7712355 3.82076605 AMGEN INC