Suzano: Perennial Aggressive Benefits And Enticing Valuation

Paper making process


Funding Thesis

I like to recommend shopping for Suzano (NYSE:SUZ) shares. The corporate is the world’s largest producer of eucalyptus quick fiber pulp and has nice aggressive benefits for working in Brazil, whose local weather, soil and bushes supply sooner planting and

Market Cap $12.6B $20.1B $13.8B $11.7B $13.6B
Income (TTM) $7.6B $11.1B $18.5B $9.5B $19.5B
Income Progress 5 12 months [CAGR] 19% -0.6% -4.5% -3.5% 2.3%
EBITDA Margin 43% 13% 11% 4% 13%
Internet Earnings (TTM) $1.8B $0.5B $0.2B -$0.5B $0.3B
Internet Earnings Margin 24% 4.7% 1% -5% 1.6%
ROE 21.9% 4% 2.2% -4.8% 3.1%
Dividend Yield 2.3% 4.3% 4.5% 0.7% 2.2%
Internet Debt / EBITDA 4x 1.7x 2.1x 7.8x 3.1x

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